This little light of mine…. I’m gonna let it SHINE! ✨☀️

In a world full of dark. And comparison. And trials. And hardships.

In a world full of gossip. And betrayal. And sadness. And loneliness.

In a world full of confusion. And heartache. And the unknown. And worry.

The Bestie Squad is going to ✨BE THE LIGHT!✨

Even when we are running low on fuel and energy - our love and our faith and our LIGHT can help us to keep going and pushing through the hardest days and turn them into the best days! ☀️

Every month we will be focusing on different ways to bring more light into our lives and our homes and our relationships and even… to the WORLD - and I am so SOO excited to share it all with you!

Our future is bright, guys. This is only the beginning! 👯‍♀️✨